by Sherri R | Nov 10, 2018 | F.A.Q.
Bitless Options: How to Settle the Fussy Mouth You’ve seen it. Jingle, jangle…tongue out the side of the mouth, head shaking or bobbing. To me, the horse is uncomfortable. To others, they attribute it to the horse being bored. Watch the...
by Sherri R | Mar 3, 2017 | About Nurtural Bitless, F.A.Q., How Do I...
General question asked – How is the bitless bridle going to give me a good control of the horse? General answer: nothing gives you good control of the horse except what the horse grants – no bit will stop a horse from bolting or bucking or any other...
by Sherri R | Dec 1, 2016 | F.A.Q.
Just what is a bitless bridle? Good question! First you have to know what a ‘bridle’ is! (I know, I know – if you are here then you, more than likely, know what a bridle is!) Bear with me now, some people do not know! It’s that piece of...